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Overlanding in India
Shocking 10 Secrets of Overlanding Camping in India

Shocking 10 Secrets of Overlanding Camping in India

Let’s understand the reality on the ground and the “shocking” secrets of Overlanding camping in India

Hardly any free camping sites:

There are hardly any free camping sites. As in most of the places you end up paying for the local village land a minimal amount. This is also important, to ensure safety and security during your stay with family and friends.

Permits and Permissions:

While freedom camping is becoming increasingly popular in India, there are still many places where you’ll need a permit to camp. This is especially true in national parks and protected areas. Always research the specific area you want to camp in and obtain any necessary permits beforehand.

Respect Local Customs: 

India is a country with a rich culture and tradition. It’s important to be respectful of local customs when camping. This means dressing modestly, being mindful of noise levels, and avoiding camping in sacred areas without permission. In religious places, you are also advised not to drink liquor and have non-vegetarian food during your camping.

Be Prepared for the Unexpected: 

India is a vast country with a variety of climates and terrains. Be prepared for anything from scorching heat to freezing cold. Make sure you have the right gear for the conditions you’ll be facing.

Beware of Wildlife: 

India is home to a variety of wild animals, including elephants, tigers, and leopards. Be aware of the wildlife in the area you’re camping in and take steps to stay safe. This may include storing food properly, using a mosquito net, and avoiding camping in areas with high concentrations of wildlife.

Leave No Trace: 

As with any camping trip, it’s important to leave no trace behind. This means packing out all of your trash and avoiding disturbing the natural environment.

Not a picnic:

Please note Overlanding and Camping is not a picnic with loud music and dance parties. You need to enjoy nature at its best without disturbing the ambience.

Welcoming Villages:

All throughout during my visits to remote villages across India, people were more than cordial to invite the Overlanders and Campers to their villages. So let’s not spoil our reputation as overlanders and campers.

Waste disposal truth:

The village people are of the opinion that most of the plastic waste and waste disposals seen in the villages and camping sites are not usually left by the campers/trekkers. It is actually thrown by the local people over the years which needs one-time cleaning and changing habits of using waste bins. The reality on the ground is, waste processing is still missing in the villages.

Never ending race for subscribers & likes:

YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram video making & pictures, racing for subscribers and likes is not overlanding and camping. You might lose the entire essence of overlanding camping when you run for these digital trends which are short-lived. Hope you make some money, but these social media trends are like shooting in the dark.

There is no shortcut to paradise…….

Please have a safe and enjoyable overlanding camping trip.

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