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Overlanding in India
Camping with Family

Camping with Family

In today’s fast paced world, nobody has the time for another person. Unfortunately, that holds true even within the family. The joint family system was replaced by nuclear family post-independence.  And today even in the nuclear family, each member lives like an island. Spending time with family has become a rarity.

Given such a scenario, any opportunity to bring the family together is a welcome development. Family Holiday is one such wonderful experience. And if the holiday happens to be Camping out in the open, it brings added charm.

Depending on where you stay, there is invariably a place to camp, but it is always better to check out the designated spaces for camping. You can find a comprehensive list of camping sites in India here. Instead of the usual day out with family, schedule a couple of days, or more if you are privileged enough, to head out for one of these places with family. While mom, dad, and the kids are the obvious image that comes to mind when we talk about camping with family, time out with extended family can be another great option. It can be a time to bond with other members of the family. Several generations can come together to share this unique experience. Camping can be a wonderful opportunity for escapade when members of the family come close in a non-conventional setting; The challenges and fun of Camping under the vast sky can actually bring out the most unusual qualities in family members which would otherwise go unnoticed in a traditional family setting. Camping, thus, promises quality time for parents and children, even extended family.

A family camping is also an opportunity to learn life skills particularly for the younger members of the family. Children might abhor setting the table, helping out in the kitchen at home but they would enjoy such chores in a different setting. Hence it can be a good opportunity for parents to teach the kids some life skills including cooking, setting up camp, even fishing.

Shared adventure can be lot of fun for people of all age; Away from home, or the safe cocoon of a hotel or a controlled environment, a stay in the wilderness can be an eye opener in many ways. The most mundane daily routine can bring loads of adventure and fun; Unexpectedness awaits at every step when camping out in the open, beyond routine, such outings can be made more fun filled with fishing, water rafting, and other sporty activities. 

Camping can make the family come closer- creating memories for a lifetime!

#CampingIndia #FamilyCamping #MakeMemories

By Pamela Dutta

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