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Overlanding in India
Luxury Tourism vs Camping

Luxury Tourism vs Camping

Two news in particular caught the attention in recent times.

The mayor of Barcelona imposed a partial ban on holiday rentals in the city by 2028.

Reason: Overexploitation of housing resources, because of which cost of living and quality of life for the local residents have been impacted.

A campaign by the name of Dune Livres calling out to protect the longest coast in Portugal.

Reason: The unique biodiversity of the region is being challenged by tourism.

Luxury tourism seems to have become the bone of contention for many nations. Resources getting depleted, locals suffering, nature is devastated and the ecosystem is damaged beyond repair.

A luxe hotel with gourmet cuisine, or sipping some chilled wine by the backwater does have immense appeal for the deep-conditioned mind. The question is, at what cost are we enjoying these moments?

On the other hand, the desire for exploration is intrinsic to humankind. The history of the human race is testimony to that.

So, what is the alternative to such kind of tourism that tends to exploit the world that has kindly allowed it to enter its space.

Camping, of course; Rather, responsible camping, where one learns to appreciate local flora and fauna, respects the way of life of the local people, and realizes the importance of mother nature. 

Overlanding and camping can be a wonderful alternative to luxury tourism; A perfect blend of enjoyment and adventure without killing the conscience.

In fact, camping can provide a lot more than one has bargained for in the pre-planned, touristy trip. The tour planner or influencer has not made the decision for you on your agenda, what to see, how and when to explore the world you are visiting; Your visit is not decided by the need of the hotel chain, nor strategized by the travel planner.

You are your own boss. Stay a little longer, enjoy yet another sunrise, mingle with the locals, dig deeper into that wonderful hitherto unknown (to you) world where the birdsong is your morning alarm clock, fresh unpolluted air is the refreshing cup of coffee, and instead of the evening dose of screen time, join the local residents in a sing-along at the end of the day. Such a wonder-filled break from the structured to-do life in the day of a conventional tourist.

No hotel can ensure expect the unexpected the way a camping trip does. Well, some unexpected would invariably bring some challenges along, but at the end of the day when you have overcome the challenge, you would have added yet another feather to your cap of avid camper.

Camping that supports sustainability, and respects the ecology can be beneficial for both the visitor and the host; By playing the host, the locals can earn a living. Camping can, in fact, open up a whole new avenue where both parties can learn to appreciate the positive qualities in each other’s world.

Blog written by Pamela Dutta

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