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Overlanding in India
Reconnecting to Our Roots: The Timeless Allure of Camping and Overlanding

Reconnecting to Our Roots: The Timeless Allure of Camping and Overlanding

Evolutionary link with Overlanding

Camping, overlanding etc. may be modern day terms but this experiential living has been integral part of human evolution, imprinted in us since hunter-gatherer days.  Till today some communities follow the camping way, such as Irish Gypsies or nomads from our own country. So, while camping or overlanding may be comparatively innovative concept for urban modern day Indian but the camper is imprinted in our DNA.

Camping hence comes effortlessly once we are able to break the mental barrier that comes from the idea of stepping out of comfort zone; Man may have alienated himself from nature, courtesy Industrial revolution or technological advancement and so-called evolution of human race. But at heart, we are still a product of nature. Camping helps shed our inhibition to help embrace the real human aspect.

Overlanding and camping have dual benefits. Undoubtedly camping requires a certain level of fitness to embark on a journey which is out-of-the-box but the truth is, the whole experience can be equally beneficial for physical and mental health.

Overlanding and Mental Well being

Mental health has become a paramount concern in recent times, particularly after the pandemic. In 2019, before the onset of Covid, the World Health Organization found that almost one out of eight person- a whooping 970 million people live with mental illness. The Pandemic has further worsened the situation.

So, when the world has opened up again, it makes absolute sense to see people embarking on revenge travel.

And everybody knows about the mental benefit of being in nature. In the midst of nature, physical well-being increases manyfold. And so does mental wellness. Spending time outdoor releases serotonin which is both relaxing and energizing. Camping provides all the benefits of the outdoors:

Alertness – Since the camper leaves behind her known surrounding, the mental alertness naturally goes up manyfold. The chirping of birds, the soothing lullaby of the waves or the water flowing downstream from the mountains, the many colours of nature, the flora and fauna, the smell of the forest, all the signals from Mother Nature make the brain more alert, aware and mindful.

Perspective – Awareness of nature’s bounty gives us a sense of satisfaction and hence a feeling of gratitude which no other gratification can match. Nature makes us realize how miniscule we and our mundane existence are, when compared to the bigger canvas of life. And one cannot help being grateful for all that life has offered.

Self-confidence to face challenges of the unknown – Camping outdoor, we do not know what is in store. We learn to make do with minimal resources, we innovate, improvise and discover that there is a lot we can and  need to achieve with very little. The Camping experience can be a huge confidence booster.

Gratitude – The things we take for granted at home – potable water, the morning cup of coffee, the hot water bath, the social media update on the handheld – suddenly become scarce and hence precious. Overlanding/camping opportunities can make us appreciate the small things of every day life, which is usually taken for granted.

Sense of responsibility – No fence freedom can actually make us more responsible; Since there is no rule imposed by the civil society while camping out in the open, we learn to live responsibly. No wastage of food or water, no misuse of electricity, in fact, Camping can give us a good lesson in frugal living.

Respect for nature and the surrounding- We learn to looks at nature from a different perspective while camping and overlanding. The wide vistas, the lofty mountains, the dense foliage, the vast seaside- nature is still the same, bountiful as ever, just that we look at her with a new set of eyes and enhanced sense and sensibility.

Overlanding and Camping can strengthen relationship with ourselves, with fellow campers, with local folks. Modern living gives us ample opportunity to build relationship with our gadgets, with technology, so much so that we are ready to sacrifice human connection to stay in touch with the touchpad! Overlanding and Camping can give golden opportunity to spend time with family, fellow campers and strengthen human bonds.

Overlanding and Camping, if undertaken with the correct mindset, can teach us to be kind and compassionate to our co inhabitants on earth we call home.

#CampingInIndia #OverlandingAdventure #NatureTherapy #MentalHealthMatters #ReconnectWithNature #GratefulLiving #HumanConnection #SustainabilityThroughCamping #ResponsibleTravel

By Pamela Dutta

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