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Overlanding in India
Where to post Youtube videos?

Where to post Youtube videos?

Whatsapp or Facebook groups / Facebook Pages

Here’s why sharing YouTube videos on Facebook groups is generally more beneficial than WhatsApp groups for Overlanding Car Camping content:

Reach and Visibility:

  • Facebook Groups: Offer a much larger potential audience. Your video can be seen by all members of the group, not just those actively chatting at the time you share it in WhatsApp.
  • WhatsApp Groups: Limited to a smaller group of people, often those you have contact information for already. Your video’s reach is restricted to the members currently on the chat.

Engagement and Discussion:

  • Facebook Groups: Facilitate easier discussion and feedback. Members can leave comments, ask questions, and share their thoughts directly on the video post. This fosters a sense of community and allows you to interact with a wider audience.
  • WhatsApp Groups: Conversation around a video can get lost in the chat flow. Discussions might get sidetracked or buried by new messages. Engaging with viewers can be more challenging.

Permanence and Discoverability:

  • Facebook Groups: Videos remain on the group page, allowing for future discovery. New members joining the group can see your video and potentially become viewers.
  • WhatsApp Groups: Videos might disappear as the chat history scrolls. There’s no guarantee of long-term visibility or discoverability for new members.

Content Management and Promotion:

  • Facebook Groups: Offer better tools for managing and promoting your video. You can pin your video to the top of the group page for increased visibility, or even share it on your personal Facebook profile to reach an even wider audience.
  • WhatsApp Groups: Limited options for managing or promoting your video. Sharing options are more restricted.


Facebook groups offer a more powerful platform for sharing YouTube videos related to overlanding. The potential for wider reach, increased engagement, and long-term discoverability makes Facebook a more strategic choice for content creators.

OCA Facebook Group:

OCA Facebook Page:

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