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Overlanding in India
World Environment Day – How Overlanding Camping Association (OCA) is making a difference?

World Environment Day – How Overlanding Camping Association (OCA) is making a difference?

As you are all aware one of the purposes of the Overlanding Camping Association’s (OCA) is to “Promote sustainable, green, soul-searching Local/Desi Tourism”.

The Overlanding Camping Association (OCA) with its technology platform having more than 500 plus Overlanding / Car Camping / Camping sites is making a difference in protecting the environment in several ways especially considering the nature of overlanding and camping which we all do.

Here’s how:

  • Leave No Trace Principles:

In OCA we promote adherence to Leave No Trace (LNT) principles, it can significantly benefit the environment. LNT is a set of outdoor ethics that emphasizes minimizing human impact on natural areas. This includes things like

  1. packing out all trash and disposing them responsibly
  2. using the place responsibly only when allowed by the campsite owner
  3. respecting wildlife by showing kindness to living things and not harming any creature
  4. Not using loud music on our listed camping sites
  • Sustainable Camping Practices:

The OCA advocates for sustainable camping practices such as

  1. using biodegradable products
  2. minimizing campfire use
  3. choosing campsites that are already established to avoid further ecological damage.
  • Education and Advocacy:

At OCA we educate our members on environmental issues related to overlanding and camping. This helps raise awareness of how their activities can impact the environment and inspires them to be responsible stewards. At OCA, we also advocate for environmental protection of public land especially forests where overlanding and camping are done illegally.

  • Volunteer Opportunities:

We at OCA organize volunteer opportunities for our members to give back to the environment. This could involve tasks like campsite cleaning before and after the camping, or tree planting initiatives on our camping sites.

  • Water shortage and availability:

In plenty of campsites especially is the mountains there is shortage of water. We at OCA create awareness among our Overlanders and Campers on how to sustain and manage when there is a scarcity of water

Overlanding camping, despite often using vehicles with lower fuel efficiency, is contributing to a reduced carbon footprint in a few ways:

  • Less Reliance on Traditional Vacations:

Overlanding getaways tend to be more about the journey and immersing yourself in nature than flying to resort destinations. Air travel is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, so opting for an overland adventure can significantly reduce your overall carbon footprint for a vacation.

  • Simpler Living:

Even Hotel / Resort stays have a major carbon footprint today. Overlanding often involves living with fewer resources than traditional vacations. You’re not constantly using air conditioning, running multiple appliances, or relying on single-use items. This simpler lifestyle translates to a lower carbon footprint.

  • Trip Consolidation:

Overlanding trips can sometimes encompass multiple destinations into a single adventure. This avoids the need for several smaller getaways, each with their own carbon cost of transportation.

  • Gear and Supplies:

Most of overlanders invest in reusable gear and avoid single-use items like disposable plates, utensils, and water bottles.

Overall, conscious overlanding / car camping with a focus on responsible practices at Overlanding Camping Association (OCA) with our technology platform has been a pioneer, leading the way to explore the outdoors while minimizing our environmental impact.

Happy Overlanding!!

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